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回首頁/歷年研討會/ 2022年第30屆英美文學學會研討會/ 議事規則



(一) 每場次總時間為90分鐘,包含2~4篇論文。

(二) 論文發表人依議程順序宣讀論文,依各場次論文篇數,每人15-20分鐘。時間結束前3分鐘,以及時間結束時,將由會議室管理員播放提醒音。

(三) 每場次討論時間為10-30分鐘,討論時間及順序請尊重主持人安排。

(四) 請各場次主持人準時開始與結束,並嚴格控管時間,以確保研討會全部流程順利進行。


(一) 請各場次之論文發表人提早5-10分鐘進入會議室測試攝影機和麥克風。

(二) 在論文發表線上會場內,請將麥克風關閉靜音模式,以利議事進行。



Rules and Notice for Online Presentation


I. Distribution time rules for presentation and discussion of each session:

  1. Each session runs 90 minutes, including 2~4 papers.
  2. Each presenter is allotted for 15-20 minutes to read his/her paper. There will be a reminder of time limit. 3 minutes before the allotted time is up by the timer in each presentation room. Subsequently, the second reminder will be played when the allotted time is up.
  3. The time for the interactive discussion in each session is 10-30 minutes. All participants are expected to follow the host’s directions for the discussion time and sequence.
  4. Moderators should make sure every session start and finish on time. Please follow the schedule in order to have the conference proceed as planned.


II. Notice for attendants:

  1. Presenters are expected to be in the meeting rooms 5-10 minutes earlier than the scheduled time to check the webcam and the microphone.
  2. Please keep the microphone mute in the meeting room in order to make the conference run smoothly.